Charity Donation Foundation, Inc.

Charity Donation Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit headquartered in Washington DC, working on poverty alleviation.

Michael Maskell

Mr. Michael Maskell grew up in Virginia Beach, VA, and has earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics from Old Dominion University, and a Juris Doctor from The George Washington University Law School. A well-known political activist in his hometown, Mr. Maskell is the founder and current chair of the Virginia Beach Progressive Caucus, a political organization that advocates for progressive policies and the advancement of economic, social, and educational opportunities for all people. In his legal practice, Mr. Maskell serves clients throughout the southeastern Virginia region on matters ranging from family law to civil litigation. Mr. Maskell was introduced to Charity Donation Foundation in 2021, and immediately became interested in contributing to its mission.  As policy advisor, Mr. Maskell assists Charity Donation Foundation with strategic planning for the Foundation’s expansion into the United States.

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